PreReq: First Aid (Journeyman)
Have an active Water Safety Instructor Certification at the time of your Court of Honor.
Make at least 3 motions before the Court of Honor for changes you think need to be made to the Apprentice, Journeyman and\or Masters Aquatics Qualification Requirements.
Get at least one motion, designed to change the requirements, approved, updated on the Troop website and train the effected troop members.
Find 3 ommisions or mistakes in the Troop C-3 Aquatics Materials and Documentation and recommend fixes.
Provide an additional 5000 words of description providing more details and information concerning various requirements for Apprentice or Journeyman. This can included documentation you provide to accompany any approved changes.
Review the knowledge of two other troopers and second thier motion for qualification as an Journeyman before the court of honor. (Note: If you second a motion and the motion does not pass due to the lack of knowledge of the applicant you may risk losing your qualification).