Prerequisite: Civics
  1. Trail ethics
      Explain how the low-impact camping method relates to Trail Skills and helps fulfill our Oath.
      Participate in a Hikers Code orientation and learn the buddy system.
  2. Trail safety
      Describe how to identify poisonous plants in your area, such as poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, stinging nettle, and Flowering Poodle Dog Brush (Sticky Nama).
      Describe how to identify venomous snakes in your area.
      Describe natural hazards you might encounter on a hike, including river crossings and what to do if you are faced with them.
      Describe the importance of safe, clean water, and explain how to identify safe or unsafe water. Demonstrate at least two methods of water purification.
  3. Equipment
      Describe the clothing necessary for hiking, including proper footwear and socks.
      Explain the limit on how much weight you should carry and how much water you should take.
      Demonstrate proper packing and necessary items for a day pack for a day hike.
  4. Navigation
      Explain how an orienteering compass works.
      Explain what a topographic map is and what the contour lines and map symbols mean.
      Demonstrate how to hold an orienteering compass and take a reading.
      With an orienteering compass, orient a map to North.
      With an orienteering compass and a topographical map, demonstrate one method of adjusting for magnetic declination.
      With an orienteering compass and a topographical map, demonstrate finding your location using bearings to landmarks.
  5. Measurements
      Measure the average length of your pace.
      Using pacing and the felling method, measure the height of a building, tree, flagpole, or other feature.
      Demonstrate course direction finding in daylight or moonlight without a compass or GPS receiver.
  6. Do one of the following options:
      Complete an orienteering course of at least 1 mile and 5 stations.
      Complete a compass course of at least one mile and 8 bearings.
  7. Using a map and compass together, take a five-mile hike with your patrol or Troop.
  8. Select a trooper with Apprentice or better Hiking that is willing to review your knowledge and second your motion to the court of honor for your qualification. If no trooper is qualified this requirement can be waved by the Troop Master.